Promoting Economic Use of Customary Land (formerly Facilitating Land Mobilization and Securitization) | Accountability Console
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Promoting Economic Use of Customary Land (formerly Facilitating Land Mobilization and Securitization)




Projects in this Sector: 78

Browse Projects

Community capacity and development


Projects in this Sector: 82

Browse Projects

Regulatory Development


Projects in this Sector: 125

Browse Projects

Issues Raised

Community health and safety


Projects with this Issue Raised: 359

Browse Projects

Consultation and disclosure


Projects with this Issue Raised: 526

Browse Projects

Cultural heritage


Projects with this Issue Raised: 117

Browse Projects

Displacement (physical and/or economic)


Projects with this Issue Raised: 481

Browse Projects

Due diligence


Projects with this Issue Raised: 482

Browse Projects

Indigenous peoples


Projects with this Issue Raised: 88

Browse Projects



Projects with this Issue Raised: 344

Browse Projects

Project Information

Investment ID: 37234-012

Bank: Asian Development Bank

Environmental Category: Unknown

Country: Samoa

Region: East Asia and the Pacific

Approval Date: Dec. 5, 2005

Investment Types: Advisory services

Total Project Cost: USD 360000

Total Complaints: 1


The technical assistance (TA 4712) to promote the economic use of customary land was agreed by ADB and the Government of Samoa during programming discussions in 2003 and was listed in the Samoa Country Strategy and Program Update 2004‰-2006. It follows on from exploratory work prepared under component 4 of the ADB Small Business Development Project, and the associated technical assistance for capacity building of financial and business advisory intermediaries which aimed to "improve the policy and Iegislative environment for small business development". TA 4712 established and supported a working group on the economic use of customary land with representatives of Government, the private sector, and the community which submitted a report to Cabinet recommending activities to promote the economic use of customary land. The main role of the TA was to assist the Government of Samoa to implement the Cabinet's decisions in approving the report.


Investment Type ID Amount Status Bank Client
Advisory services 37234-012 USD 300000 Planned ADB Ministry of Finance of Samoa


Name Complaints Dispute Resolutions DR Successful Compliance Reviews Non-Compliance
Ministry of Finance of Samoa