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Project Country Bank Complaints
Request for Bank information from Auditoria Superior de la Nacion Mexico Inter-American Development Bank 1
Devenish Nutrition Ireland European Investment Bank 1
Public Energy & Energy Efficiency Project Turkey IFC/MIGA 1
Holding Intergas S.A. Argentina IFC/MIGA 1
Railroad Gilje-Paracin Serbia European Investment Bank 1
VEIL II-01/ Ratanakiri Province Cambodia IFC/MIGA 1
Petrotrin-01/Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago IFC/MIGA 1
Angel Infin-01/ Gujarat India IFC/MIGA 1
Transit Roads V Lot 17 Bulgaria European Investment Bank 1
ACME Energy-01 India IFC/MIGA 1
Jalalpur Irrigation Project Pakistan Asian Development Bank 5
Faisalabad-Multan Motorway (M-4) Pakistan Asian Development Bank 1
Brenner Base Tunnel Austria European Investment Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel - North Section (2011) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Belstar-01 India IFC/MIGA 1
Microfinance Investment Vehicles United States IFC/MIGA 1
Impala Platinum South Africa IFC/MIGA 1
Africap Investment Fund Mozambique IFC/MIGA 1
DeltaCredit Bank Russia IFC/MIGA 1
Groupe OCP - Modernisation Morocco European Investment Bank 1
Biougra wastewater treatment plant Morocco French Development Agency 1
Financial Intermediaries-01/CAO Vice President Request World IFC/MIGA 1
San Francisco - Mocoa Alternate Road Construction Project - Phase I Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
Gender Discrimination Southeast Asia IFC/MIGA 1
San Francisco - Mocoa Alternate Road Construction Project Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
Project to support the monitoring and evaluation of the poverty reduction strategy Republic of Congo 0
Alternative Microinsurance Platform in Brasil (MIF) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Vizhinjam-04/ Kerala India IFC/MIGA 1
Coca-Cola Sabco Ethiopia IFC/MIGA 1
Financial Intermediary (FI)-01 Honduras IFC/MIGA 1
National Land Claims Ethiopia IFC/MIGA 1
Supporting National Development Planning toward Recovery from COVID-19 Sri Lanka Asian Development Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel - Western Section (2010) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Heidelberg Cement Togo IFC/MIGA 1
Khulna/Shirrajganj 150MW Peaking Power Plant Construction Project Bangladesh Asian Development Bank 1
Integrated Urban Solid Waste Management Program (AR-L1151) Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
Cajamarquilla, Nievería y Cerro Camote - Expansion of Water and Sanitation Peru Inter-American Development Bank 2
TD Bank United States IFC/MIGA 1
Jordan Gateway Projects Co Jordan IFC/MIGA 2
Secondary Green Cities Development Project Vietnam Asian Development Bank , Asian Development Bank 4
Portuguese Dam Program Portugal European Investment Bank 1
Digicel Papua New Guinea IFC/MIGA 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel - Northern Section 2 (2012) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Radiance International India IFC/MIGA 1
Pando-Monte Lirio Hydroelectric Power Project Panama IFC/MIGA , Inter-American Development Bank 3
Training Program for Women Heads of Household Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
National Tourism Development Program in Bahia (PRODETUR NATIONAL-Bahia) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2
Azure-01 China IFC/MIGA , IFC/MIGA 7
Ficohsa-02/Tela Honduras IFC/MIGA 1
Disi - Amman Water Conveyor Jordan European Investment Bank 1
KPK-01/ Kohastan and Shangal Batgram Pakistan IFC/MIGA 1
Etileno XXI Mexico Inter-American Development Bank 2
Southeast Europe Equity Fund II Overseas Private Investment Corporation 1
Medio Ambiente Water Infrastructure Spain European Investment Bank 1
Aden Free Zone Development Yemen IFC/MIGA 1
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project - Fourth Re Poland World Bank 1
Concurso BID-IDEAS Unknown Inter-American Development Bank 1
Vietnam Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project Vietnam World Bank 1
West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project World Bank 2
Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project Poland World Bank , World Bank 8
UHG-ADM-01/ Turkey Turkey IFC/MIGA 1
Emergency Assistance Project Bangladesh Asian Development Bank 2
Cadastral and Property Registry Regularization Program Costa Rica Inter-American Development Bank 1
Boulevard Turistico del Atlantico Dominican Republic Inter-American Development Bank 1
Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project Sri Lanka Asian Development Bank , Asian Development Bank 2
Variante San Francisco Mocoa Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
Upper Trishuli 1-02 Nepal IFC/MIGA 1
Africa Investco-01 Mauritius IFC/MIGA 1
Giavoni Tajikistan IFC/MIGA 1
Flexenclosure Sweden IFC/MIGA 1
Anima Educacao Brazil IFC/MIGA 1
Sanitation for Nova Estrada Watershed - PROMABEN II Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2
Ulaanbaatar Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program - Tranche 2 Mongolia Asian Development Bank 1
Third Employment, Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Development Policy Loan (not registered) Poland World Bank 1
Regional Urban Development Project Nepal Asian Development Bank , Asian Development Bank 3
Rural Electrification Program Panama Inter-American Development Bank 1
Saudi Pak Bank-01 Pakistan IFC/MIGA 1
Program to Support Production Development for International Integration El Salvador Inter-American Development Bank 1
Plaza Logistica Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
Capacity Building of the National Institute for Vocational Training, Bagira Training Center Democratic Republic of Congo French Development Agency 1
Rocade Extérieure du Grand Tunis Tunisia European Investment Bank 1
Tajikistan Framework Agreement Tajikistan European Investment Bank 1
The Saïss Water Conservation Project Morocco Green Climate Fund 1
The Rural Wash Program Study Project Liberia African Development Bank 1
Novica United-01 Thailand IFC/MIGA 1
NNPC-01/Nigeria Nigeria IFC/MIGA 1
Protection of Basic Services Program Phase II Additional Financing and Promoting Basic Services Phase III Project Ethiopia World Bank 1
Flood Protection Measures Greece European Investment Bank , European Investment Bank 4
Ficohsa-01/ CAO Vice President Request Honduras IFC/MIGA 1
AccessBank Azerbaijan IFC/MIGA 1
Kayogbo Youth Club Ghana IFC/MIGA 1
Gemax & Lemna Serbia IFC/MIGA 1
Globalbix Brazil IFC/MIGA 1
Support to Science and Technology Education Project (SSTEP)- Copperbelt University Zambia African Development Bank 1
Bank Alfalah-01/Saddar Karachi Pakistan IFC/MIGA 1
Ambatovy Madagascar IFC/MIGA 1
BCR Romania IFC/MIGA 1
Water Infrastructure: Northern Provinces Development Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project India Asian Development Bank 1
Belstar-02 India IFC/MIGA 1
GAL Middle East IFC/MIGA 1
Zvartnots Airport Expansion Projec Armenia 0
Integrated Urban Development and Social Inclusion Program of Aracaju Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
ICA-01/ Singapore Singapore IFC/MIGA 1
Crompton India IFC/MIGA 1
Los Gigantes-Dioxitek Argentina IFC/MIGA 1
Integrated Disaster and Land Management Togo World Bank 1
4 MW Hydro Power Project Thack Chilas Pakistan Asian Development Bank 1
Programa de Mejoramiento del Tramo Santa Barbara-Rurrenabaque del Corredor Norte Bolivia Inter-American Development Bank 1
Strategic Public Transportation Systems Program Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
RAK Ceramics Bangladesh IFC/MIGA 1
IFC/BICF Employment Bangladesh IFC/MIGA 1
Radomiro Tomic Desalination Plant Chile Inter-American Development Bank 1
Floods Response and Recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina United Nations Development Programme 1
Solid Waste Management Program for Touristic Municipalities Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
Noise pollution caused by the new EIB/EIF Building Luxembourg European Investment Bank 2
Georgetown Solid Waste Management Program Guyana Inter-American Development Bank 1
Barrio Improvement- Program II Promeba II Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mareña Renovables Wind Project Mexico Inter-American Development Bank 2
Estrada Nova Watershed Sanitation Program (PROMABEN) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Santa Catarina Logistics Infrastructure Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) Philippines IFC/MIGA 1
Tamil Nadu Urban Flagship Investment Program - Tranche 2 India Asian Development Bank 2
Nepal-India Regional Trade And Transport Project Nepal World Bank 1
Punjab Intermediate Cities Improvement Investment Project Pakistan Asian Development Bank 4
Salitre-Cortijo Water Treatment Plant Expansion Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
Sinharaja Forest Sri Lanka IFC/MIGA 1
Proyecto Rodoanel Mario Covas - Tramo Norte Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2
Jilin Urban Development Project China 0
Programa Nacional 700 Escuelas Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
Socar-01/ Turkey IFC/MIGA 1
Motorways D1 Slovakia European Investment Bank 1
Integrated Urban Solid Waste Management Program Argentina Inter-American Development Bank , Inter-American Development Bank 3
MBIRR Mobile Banking Service Ethiopia European Investment Bank 1
Promoting Economic Use of Customary Land and Grant No. 0392 (SAM): Samoa Agribusiness Support Project Samoa Asian Development Bank 1
Reges Malaysia IFC/MIGA 1
Urban Water and Sanitation Improvement Project in Oyo and Taraba States Nigeria African Development Bank 1
Itaparica Resettlement and Irrigation Project Brazil World Bank 1
Green and Resilient Affordable Housing Sector Project Bhutan Asian Development Bank , Asian Development Bank 3
Rural Economic Development Guatemala Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mumbai Railway Vikas-01/ India IFC/MIGA 1
Red Sea - Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program Gaza, Israel, Jordan, West Bank World Bank 1
Water and Sanitation for Small Communities Program - Tranche II (PROAS II) (AR-L1289) Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
Rainforest Ecolodge Linkages-01/Deniyaya Sri Lanka IFC/MIGA 1
Nedbank Guinea IFC/MIGA 1
Makka Leasing Egypt IFC/MIGA 1
PROSAP Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
Reconquista River Sanitation Environmental Program Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
Indigenous and Afro-Honduran Peoples and Climate Change Honduras Inter-American Development Bank 1
AES Sonel-01/Douala Cameroon IFC/MIGA 1
Ranbaxy-01 India IFC/MIGA 1
Quadriga Capital Russia IFC/MIGA 1
Development Programme's Norte Grande provinces: W&S Infrastructure Argentina Inter-American Development Bank 1
TCL Group-02 Trinidad and Tobago IFC/MIGA 1
Cencosud Argentina IFC/MIGA 1
Program to Support Preinvestment for Development Bolivia Inter-American Development Bank 1
Sector Privado y Agenda 2030 Colombia United Nations Development Programme 1
GEF Streetlight Argentina IFC/MIGA 1
Sustainable Development of the Interior Suriname Inter-American Development Bank 1
Request not related to any operation Unknown Inter-American Development Bank 1
Yunnan Lincang Border Economic Cooperation Zone Development Project China Asian Development Bank 1
Uttarakhand Emergency Assistance Project India Asian Development Bank 1
Estrada Real - Network of Tourism SMEs Mina Gerais State Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Support to the Action Social Center of Music Prog. Phase II Venezuela Inter-American Development Bank 1
Niger Delta Contractor Revolving Credit Facility-01/Niger Delta Nigeria IFC/MIGA 1
Responsive COVID-19 Vaccines for Recovery Project under the Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility Sri Lanka Asian Development Bank 2
PPCR-01/ Dominica Dominica IFC/MIGA 1
Ak Altin Agricultural Development Project Uzbekistan Asian Development Bank 1
Expressway (E35) Project - PAK Pakistan Asian Development Bank 1
LAPSSET Project in Lamu Kenya 0
Mario Covas Rodoanel Project - Northern Section (2011) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Maldives Maritime Transport Master Plan Maldives Asian Development Bank 1
Improving Solid Waste Management and Income Creation in Host Communities- Rehabilitation of Al Alake Jordan United Nations Development Programme 1
Upgrading Informal Settlements in Barranquilla, Colombia Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
Estrada Nova Watershed Sanitation Program - PROMABEN Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Melamchi Water Supply Project Nepal Asian Development Bank 1
IICT-01/ Khatlon region Tajikistan IFC/MIGA 1
Municipal and Regional Infrastructure Loan Serbia European Investment Bank , European Investment Bank 3
Burapha Laos IFC/MIGA 1
Zvartnots Airport Expansion Project Armenia Asian Development Bank 2
Montevideo Urban Transportation Program Uruguay Inter-American Development Bank 2
Suva Nausori Water Supply and Sewerage Project Fiji Asian Development Bank , Asian Development Bank 2
Panama Canal Expansion Panama European Investment Bank 1
Western Europe-Western People's Republic of China International Transit Corridor Unknown Asian Development Bank 1
Transport Lending Policy Unknown European Investment Bank 1
Sao Jose dos Campos Urban Structuring Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2
Mauritius Waste Water Mauritius European Investment Bank 1
Loan for Dinant Corporation S.A. of C.V. Honduras Inter-American Development Bank 1
CariSal Trinidad and Tobago Inter-American Development Bank 1
Tomato Processing Line European Investment Bank 1
TEF 2019 cohort sponsored by AfDB Nigeria African Development Bank 1
Enhancing the Ecosystem for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Bolivia Bolivia Inter-American Development Bank 2
CoreCo-01/ Costa Rica IFC/MIGA 1
ABCI Investments Netherlands IFC/MIGA 1
Wastewater Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program Trinidad and Tobago Inter-American Development Bank 1
Megaplast Indonesia IFC/MIGA 1
Edy Group-01/ Romania Romania IFC/MIGA 1
Urban Water Supply and Wastewater Management Investment Program, Tranche 1 Fiji Asian Development Bank 2
Navi Mumbai India IFC/MIGA 1
Compensation for Expropriation and Extension of IDA Credits to Ethiopia (not registered) Ethiopia World Bank 1
Pakistan Banking South Asia IFC/MIGA 1
KTK Motorway PPP Greece European Investment Bank 1
Agricultural Competitiveness Program Jamaica Inter-American Development Bank 1
Fourth National Communication and Second Biennial Update Report under the UNFCCC (GEF) Jordan United Nations Development Programme 1
Bayport Colombia: Financial Inclusion for BOP Public Employees Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
AREDP/ Kabul Afghanistan IFC/MIGA 1
Regional Economic Integration in Central Asia - Stocktaking and Experience Sharing Kyrgyzstan Asian Development Bank 1
Modernization National Civil Registration, Identification, Documentation System Ecuador Inter-American Development Bank 1
Strategic Transport System Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
AzerPost Azerbaijan IFC/MIGA 1
Sinchi Wayra (formerly COMSUR) Bolivia IFC/MIGA 1
Alterra Costa Rica IFC/MIGA 1
Program for the Institutional Strengthening of the office of the Comptroller General Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
Twin City Centrum Pakistan IFC/MIGA 1
Dry Zone Urban Water and Sanitation Project Sri Lanka Asian Development Bank , Asian Development Bank 2
A project in Sudan (Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning) Uganda African Development Bank 1
TCL Group Trinidad and Tobago IFC/MIGA 1
Manor Care Rossville United States IFC/MIGA 1
Pacific Telecommunications Modernization Project Papua New Guinea Asian Development Bank 1
Greater Colombo Water and Wastewater Management Improvement Investment Program - Tranche 2 Sri Lanka Asian Development Bank , Asian Development Bank 2
Bidding of EDMS systems Trinidad and Tobago Inter-American Development Bank 1
Macambira-Anicuns Urban Environmental Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Malawi NRWB Water Efficiency Malawi European Investment Bank 1
Gulf Agency Company United Arab Emirates IFC/MIGA 1
Avianca-01/Colombia Colombia IFC/MIGA 1
Water Resources Development Investment Program - Project 2 Afghanistan Asian Development Bank 1
Kreadanza Venezuela Inter-American Development Bank 1
DTT United States IFC/MIGA 1
Rural Water Supply and Wastewater Management Program Colombia Inter-American Development Bank 1
UPTF - Mariupol Trolleybus Project Ukraine European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 1
MHP-01/Ukraine Ukraine IFC/MIGA 1
Global CyberSoft Vietnam IFC/MIGA 1
Trade and Transport Studies RETF Project Bangladesh World Bank 1
AK Khan WaterHealth-01/Dhaka Bangladesh IFC/MIGA 1
Infrastructure Preparation and Innovation Facility Philippines Asian Development Bank 1
Program to Strengthen the National Early Warning System Ecuador Inter-American Development Bank 1
Waste Disposal Plant in Grad Varazd Croatia European Investment Bank 1